Cameroon is described as “Africa in miniature” because it has a varied landscape, hence its varied climate, too. Its Atlantic coast is a breezy place for sun-worshippers, while the mountain areas have lush forests, especially Mount Cameroon. The plateaus and savannahs are expansive while the rivers are thriving, like the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Dja Faunal Reserve.

Cameroon is a melting pot of African wonders, so wherever tourists plan to explore, the country has something good to offer. From the rugged plains to the bustling urban centers, this nation is ready to take more guests who want to take it all.

10 Yaoundé

As the capital, Yaoundé is the best introductory place for a Cameroon adventure. Tourists in this bustling city will be in awe as they check out its many architectural landmarks.

The government buildings have eclectic styles, like the Palais des Congrès, the sports complex, and Yaoundé Unity Palace, among others. Its charming Central Market and the impressive independence square are head-turners, too.

The city also has awe-inspiring memorials led by the Reunification Monument. The start of a Cameroon escape is incomplete without a Yaoundé exploration.

9 Beach Towns

Two towns make Cameroon a place of tropical paradise: Limbe and Kribi. These destinations by the Bight of Biafra entice tourists, thanks to their charming aura.

Limbe’s bay is made unique by the presence of the majestic mountain afar. This seaside city attracts beachgoers who want to go beyond the shore and explore a Bismarck tower, a wildlife center, and botanical gardens.

Kribi, meanwhile, is proud not just of its golden beaches but roasted fish, too. Sun-worshippers will have a busy day, thanks to Cameroon’s bay.

Related: Top 10 Most Flawless Beaches To Visit In Africa

8 Mount Cameroon

Hikers might already know that Mt. Cameroon is the highest in central Africa. What they are clueless about, however, is its beauty that even photos can’t give justice.

A full hike to the top will take more than 14 hours to finish, intimidating and tiring yet rewarding. What’s good about its trail is it has fewer trekkers since the country is off the radar of many tourists.

As explorers trudge along forests, grasslands, and scrubs, they might chance upon elephants, river hogs, primates, duikers, and bushbucks, if lucky.

Otherwise, they can enjoy the singsongs of birds and the blooming wildflowers. That’s Mt. Cameroon: a piece of paradise.

7 Waza National Park

Not only is Waza a national park, but it’s also considered by UNESCO a biosphere reserve. That is made possible by a thriving population of vulnerable red-fronted gazelles, Kordofan giraffes, Senegal hartebeests, and other mammals.

Its floodplain is also a hotspot of avifauna, so birdwatchers will have a busy time with their binoculars. Be they in the savanna, dunes, woodlands, or floodplains, wildlife watchers will have a satisfying safari experience in this welcoming national park. Waza has the wow factor.

6 Archeological Sites

Cameroon has two archaeological areas that are tentatively listed as World Heritage Sites: Bidzar and Diy-Gid-Biy.

The former is known for its petroglyphs that date back 300 years to 3,000 years ago. The latter, meanwhile, is known for its dry stone architecture featuring sparse platforms and terraces.

Investigation on this site continues, so its age is still unknown. There are many things to discover in Bidzar and DGB, so wherever tourists want to explore, they will have a day filled with learning moments.

Related: Gobekli Tepe And 9 Other Archaeological Sites (That Are Difficult To Explain)

5 Lobéké National Park

The Lobéké National Park is a paradise, with its lush forest protecting such animals as elephants, leopards, chimpanzees, and gorillas. It is also home to many birds, so lovers of nature are sure to find a critter or two in this 494,000-acre destination.

Lobéké is part of the World Heritage Site of Sangha Trinational alongside the reserves of Nouabalé-Ndoki (Congo) and Dzanga-Ndoki (Central African Republic).

Most of the area is free from human activities, so those who want to check its evergreen forests can be one with Mother Nature in a breeze.

4 Foumban Royal Palace

The Royal Palace of Foumban is one of the oldest in Africa, and a sultan still lives in it. It is the seat of the Bamoun Dynasty, with its red-brick architecture exuding traditional elegance.

Tourists can enter its halls and visit the museum, where they can appreciate artifacts about the dynasty. The museum is home to such items as arms, royal garbs, statues, jewelry, musical instruments, thrones, and masks.

The palace is a destination where royalty is felt in every corner.

3 Museums

Those who want to learn more about Cameroon are in luck because it has multiple museums. In Yaoundé alone, history buffs will have a field day museum-hopping. Musée National is the go-to place for a journey back to the nation’s rich history.

Musée de la Blackitude, meanwhile, is focused on the country’s tribal heritage. Art buffs are in for a treat if they visit the Musée d’Art Camerounais and Musée des Arts et Traditions Bamoun, both filled with local masterpieces. A museum trip in Cameroon is nothing but amusing.

2 Chutes de la Lobé

Those who want a quick dip after exploring the many sights of the welcoming country should head to Kribi’s Chutes de la Lobé.

This waterfall is nominated as a World Heritage Site, as it should because it might not be as famous as Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls, but it has a unique, idyllic charm.

Its stunning cascades will help tourists relax after a tiring day of sightseeing. Ending the day in Chutes de la Lobé means having a splash, literally.

1 Bandjoun Station

Creative souls should not miss Bandjoun Station, an arts center known for its colorful mosaic facade. This landmark stands out not just because of its charming exterior but because of its efforts to promote local artists.

It offers workshops and activities for budding artists, while tourists can explore its exhibits.

Traveling, after all, is more than just visiting touristy attractions. Once in a while, it should be about meeting new people while having an enriching and enlightening experience. In Cameroon, that’s easy to come by.


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