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The number of U.S. travelers heading to Los Cabos post-COVID exceeds virtually any expectations. According to Forbes magazine, the writing was on the wall in 2021, even when certain COVID restrictions were still in place. Los Cabos not only recovered the entirety of its pre-COVID American tourist base in 2021 compared to 2019. Actually, 15% more Americans visited Los Cabos in 2021 than had done so in 2019. Once again, this is a number that was achieved with certain COVID restrictions still in place. Including restrictions on hotels that were not allowed to operate at 100% capacity.

In the first 6 months of 2022, 47.3% more American headed to the Mexican Pacific beach city compared to the number of Americans that visited the area in 2021. By all accounts, the number of American travelers that will reach Los Cabos in 2022 will set an all-time record. Why are so many U.S. travelers choosing to vacation in Los Cabos? Forbes has a couple of theories. 

Tourists in Los Cabos

Why Are More Americans Than Ever Headed To Los Cabos? 

Forbes lists quite a few reasons as to why Americans are overwhelmingly choosing Los Cabos over other popular destinations. One of the obvious reasons why this is the case is the proximity between Los Cabos and many large American cities. A flight from virtually any city on the West Coast in the U.S. to Los Cabos takes anywhere from 2 to 3 hours.

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People arriving at the airport

Even cities within the central time zone, specifically in Texas, are only about a 3-hour flight away from Los Cabos. Airlines have capitalized on the proximity factor and the fact that U.S. travelers have shown an interest in flying to Los Cabos. Many major airlines have added direct flights to the Mexican Pacific in the post-COVID era. 

American Airlines Plane Leaving LAX

Other than the proximity element, tourists are flocking to Cabo to take part in the massive expansion that is taking place in the region. Forbes mentions that about 540 new hotel rooms are set to be opened in Los Cabos from the end of 2022 through 2024. Those are actually rather conservative estimates. Also, new dining options have contributed to the influx of American travelers. Cabo restaurants have developed an initiative that they call “Tasty Tuesdays.” On that day, local restaurants offer unique menus for tourists to enjoy. Adding a little extra flavor to the weekdays, which are usually slower days for tourist destinations.      

restaurant in Los Cabos

Who Is Vacationing In Cabo?    

The arrival of private airplanes increased by 80% in 2021. While this doesn’t mean that the majority of people who are seeking out luxury experiences in Los Cabos arrive via private plane, it doesn’t help paint the picture a bit. Travelers heading to Los Cabos are generally looking for high-end experiences. That’s why most of the top hotel chains in the world are looking to build new facilities tagged with their luxury hotel brands. 

Private plane on tarmac

Another thing that has changed post-pandemic is the amount of time travelers spend in Los Cabos. The average length of stay in Los Cabos is 6.5 days as of July 2022. Prior to the pandemic, the average length of stay hovered around 3 or 4 days max on average. Longer stays in Los Cabos may be related to the increase in the number of remote workers in American companies. 

Remote worker on beach

Also, tourists who travel to Los Cabos are actually doing so more on last-minute trips. About 30% of the airplane tickets bought to Los Cabos are purchased only 2 months before the travel date. That’s a number that could fluctuate a bit. Not booking trips too much in advance is a kind of inheritance from the COVID days. Since a positive COVID used to derail travel. In any case, more people, mostly in the higher earning brackets, are coming to Los Cabos.


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