The Hot Sale comes with bad news for the sector turismo, which is usually one of the engines of one of the most important events in electronic commerce. The Pre-Trip 3 would launch only the first days of June, to which is added that the Government not raised the restriction of payment in installments for tickets and services in the Foreign.

“The Pre-Trip 3a good tactical action and very positive for the entire tourism chain, It will be launching the first days of June”, anticipated Ignatius Aguilarresident of Travel Servicesand there the sector finds the first bottleneck: the Hot Sale will be performed between May 30 and June 1.

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To this is added that at the end of last November, the Central Bank prohibited the payment in installments for the purchase of trips abroad hours before the start of Black Friday, with the aim of avoiding the outflow of foreign exchange due to the scarcity of reserves. Measure is still valid and, according to Aguilar, this option was replaced by private loanswhich “are not fully operational” due to the bureaucracy involved.

The dialogue between the sector, the BCRA authorities and the Tourism portfolio its permanentbut the response is matching: As long as dollars are missing, the quotas will not be enabledconfirmed the directors of Travel Services.

How companies face the Hot Sale without quotas for trips abroad

When the announced end of quotas for trips abroad “the news had an impact on salesbut then the sector settled down,” he told TN Paula CristiGeneral Manager of Take off for Argentina and Uruguay.

Part of that rearrangement had to do with alliances between tourism agencies, banks and finance companies to simplify access to credits that allow its clients to continue buying tickets, packages, lodging and services to travel outside of Argentina. But the interest they charge puts back many interested in traveling outside of Argentina.

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“The impossibility of offering quotas for trips abroad, effectively, it was and is a brake for many people to travel“, said Magali Alvarez Howlin, Marketing Manager of She called.

To overcome this pitfall, for example, through the web Take off offers personal loans from Cash Yes for the financing of international travel. In Almundo they can have credits in until 18 installments through an agreement with the Bank Galiciaindicated Pablo NeumannHead of Alliances of the company.

As long as She called will offer for hot sale “payments through various means or cards”. “The solution of mixing forms of payment is working very well for our customers and is a good solution. For examplemix debit cards, credit, transfers, etcetera,” Álvarez Howlin said. Furthermore, he anticipated that they are working on a project to offer credits online through various alliances, but they anticipated that “they will not be for the Hot Sale”.

Promotions and discounts for national destinations

For this edition, the strength of the Hot Sale in tourism will be the national destinationsbut fundamentally focused on the long weekend of Junesince, without counting on Pre-Trip 3, the perspective is that many will delay their winter break decisions to take advantage of the benefit when it becomes available.

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The tourism sector was one of the hardest hit during the pandemic. For the president of Travel Services, the two “reactivation engines” are the Pre-Trip and the possibility of sell in installmentsbut for this year’s edition of the e-commerce event none will be available, unless the Minister of Tourism, Matias Lammens, decide to advance the launch of the program that returns 50% of what is spent to be reused in tourist services in the country.

The promotions point to the winter holidays, but mainly to the long weekend of June.  (Photo: Tourism Nation)The promotions point to the winter holidays, but mainly to the long weekend of June. (Photo: Tourism Nation)

“It is not a Hot Sale anymore, It is a Hot Sale that comes with much expectation and more desire to travel than ever”, he said Erika Schamis, director Non Air Product of Almundo. The need to maintain the pace of recovery mobilizes several of the current promotions.

Álvarez Howlin highlighted that the Hot Sale “is usually an event that at least triple daily sales” and was also “very optimistic with power meet and exceed that floor”.

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One of the changes that the coronavirus pandemic left in tourism is that the lead time for organizing a trip was reducedgiven the uncertainty about new closures or complications in the epidemiological situation of places of destination, this also translates into a greater preference for local destinations.

According to official figures, in the second edition of the Pre-Trip, 4.5 million people participated and $150,000 million were moved in the tourism sector throughout the country, with a great impact on regional economies.


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