Planning a vacation can be exhausting and very stressful due to all one has to consider before deciding which destination to visit. There are always endless incredible options, what to pack, documents to get ready, and other problems that come with organizing a perfect tour. Other than choosing a destination one is dying to explore, travelers want to ensure they are going to vacate peacefully, without having to worry about their safety. And chances are, that the strange destination one is opting for may be unsafe. For this reason, finding a safe country that makes a beautiful vacation with no worries is important, and Iceland is that kind of place! For twelve years in a row, this beautiful nation has been topping the list of the world’s safest countries. Why not vacate to Iceland, and have all worries gone? Here are the top 10 reasons why Iceland is among the safest destinations in the world.

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10 There Are No Dangerous Animals In Iceland

Unlike most countries, animals like ticks, bears, snakes, poisonous spiders, and mosquitoes, which can a traveler’s nightmare, do not inhabit this beautiful nation. There are no dangerous animals, and tourists can always wander around its spectacular highlands during berry season, and enjoy these delicious fruits without thinking about bears possibly coming out of nowhere. One can always camp in one of Iceland’s jungles, and sleep without pests interfering. Arctic Fox is always around but is nowhere near harmful These beautiful animals are always just looking for food if they happen to approach visitors.


9 Iceland Has One Of The Lowest Rate Of Crime

One can’t enjoy tourist activities in a country with a high crime rate. The rate of crime in Iceland is very low, which may be because of how close these people are. The country’s population is that of a medium-sized city in the world. When a person steals something in Iceland, for example, the owner may be their relative. Being a tight-knit community is one of the reasons for the low crime rate. Also, Iceland has a thriving educational system, and obtaining a college degree is affordable, maybe less than the house rent. With a high level of education, high employment rates, and social support system, no one has a reason to commit a crime.

8 Iceland Is Free Of Discrimination

Iceland is the safest country because there is no discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, gender, or race. This is a country where equality is practiced for all, and no one feels like an outsider. In its space, travelers will almost ask themselves if they are humans since people are used to being identified in a certain class. If not, they want to feel exceptional. Well, in Iceland, there are no such things; there is no feeling of belonging to a certain class.

7 The English Language Is Not A Problem

The level of English in Iceland is high because kids start learning the language from the age of 12, but most of them are already good, thanks to numerous TV programs, YouTube, and video games. When one needs help to understand the local fluency in the language, people are willing to help, but travelers are less likely to need this kind of assistance. The locals are highly skilled in English also because the companies do not translate their material to Icelandic since the country’s market is already small enough. Icelanders are fluent in English – no wonder the country is the first choice of solo travelers!

6 The Quality Of Air Is Top-Notch!

Iceland’s atmosphere is pollution-free, and tourists from big cities are always praised for its incredibly fresh air. With its location amidst the Atlantic Ocean and the fact that most of its citizens have adopted the use of green energy, the country lacks sources of air pollution. So, when visiting Iceland, vacations do not have to worry about breathing polluted air and the health risks that come with that. In this country, one is going to enjoy every breath one takes because of its freshness.

5 No One Is Guarded, Not Even The President

Another reason why Iceland is the safest country is the fact that no one has bodyguards for safety purposes, not even celebrities, and presidents. The locals are very polite, and issues like hate or violent crimes are rarely reported to the authorities. Personal safety is always guaranteed, and the presidents don’t have their vehicles made bulletproof since they don’t need that kind of protection. Travelers will find no one possessing harmful tools, like a gun.

4 No Protests Against Pride Parade

Pride Parades are a very popular and significant event in the world, and almost every location has a few people protesting against the pride parade, which is the most unlikely thing in Iceland. Being a close-knit community, Icelanders recognizes each other and accept one another the way they are, and there are no such protests. In fact, Iceland is the only country in the entire globe where Gay pride has never been protested, and not just because they are so close to one another, the high education levels explain it as well.

3 Travelers Won’t See The Police Force Carrying Guns

In Iceland, there is no need for the police to walk around with guns. Instead, they are very friendly, polite, and approachable. There are many instances where the police take pictures of ordinary citizens and their kids and post them on Instagram. This makes them less of a threat to the locals and visitors. In other countries, police officers are roaming around with firearms, and it’s difficult to find friendly policemen socializing and taking photos with ordinary citizens. Iceland is for sure, a country on another level when it comes to safety.

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2 Iceland’s Road Rules Are Very Strict

Iceland comprises many beautiful scenic roads, allowing tourists to explore incredible landscapes on a road trip. The government of Iceland has enforced strict road rules, followed by everyone. The country has taken road safety seriously and works to ensure that every citizen, driver, cyclist, and pedestrian is well protected, and follows the guidelines. There are specific vehicles assigned to ride on certain roads, and 90km/hr is the maximum driving speed in the country. When in an emergency, one can always call 112, and the rescue team will be there in a few minutes.

1 Iceland’s Towns Have Small Population

When in Iceland, travelers will not see large crowds of humans moving around the villages of the country. The country doesn’t have a big city, and its capital, Reykjavik’s population is that of a small town, nearly 220,000, and two-thirds of the entire population resides in the town. While Iceland’s capital does not have enough population to be considered a city, it is definitely a city because more than half of its population lives there. Each of the capital’s neighborhoods has its own sports team, playground, learning institution, and swimming pool, making them feel like they are independent villages.


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