What do you think of these destinations?

Photo by Hello Lightbulb on Unsplash

The world is a strange place, as we all know. While some battle to survive in war-torn regions, others are spending their money on holidays and entertainment as post pandemic travel continues to flourish.

What if the tourist destinations that many flock to are now slowly being destroyed by the volumes of tourists?

No country would want to limit tourism, particularly when it is vital to their economy, but could they could make a case for such measures for the destinations below? It’s no good having the places destroyed in the name of tourism.

Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Party lovers love Amsterdam, but tourists are destroying smaller cities like Amsterdam. Airbnb has been a cause of the rise of irresponsible accommodation as these rentals have taken over the city.

Restrictions on one rental to four people at a time are now being enforced, as overcrowding in the canal district has been a problem.

Revelling tourists once again causing restricted travel and accommodation, because people can’t behave, or be responsible.

Big Major Cay (Bahamas)

Step aside Cuba, the real bay of pigs is this one. The cute and adorable swimming pigs have been declining in number, because once again people have decided they know better and have been feeding the pigs on the beach, getting them also to drink beer, and ingest beach sand.

Their numbers have been diminishing because of this. They have also reported drunk idiots trying to ride the pigs. The regulations are now becoming a lot more strict so that the pigs can enjoy life without the abuse by tourists.

Macu Pichu

The ancient Incas hold a fascination for tourists, and the number of tourists have increased. They are now planning to limit the tourists to guides, so that the site remains seen but untouched. By limiting tourists to specific paths with their guides, they can hopefully keep this major attraction open.

Prague (Czech Republic)

Tourists flock top Prague for its beauty and the cheap drinks and night life. I recall a director of a pharmaceutical company that I worked for, a well-travelled man, said that in all of Europe, Prague was his favourite city. I think it had to do with a lady he was in love with. Any city looks so much better when seen through the eyes of love.

But Nigh time revellers caused city officials here to step in and enforce a night time quiet time from 10pm

Cozumel (Mexico)

This is a stunning destination, so it is no wonder it is popular. This is a beautiful island and the second most popular cruise ship destination worldwide. The coral reefs, are being destroyed by boat traffic and scuba divers and pollution, so we wonder how much longer these reefs can withstand such an onslaught.

Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Game of Thrones has had an impact, as people flocked to Dubrovnik, after the successful series. The city, however, is not geared for such an influx of people, and in August 2017, they limited tourism until 2019. I wonder if post covid travel will force another limitation? Time will tell.

The Spanish Steps (Rome)

These steps became famous in classical movies and the steps have been a meeting and gathering place for many tourists over the years. However, the tourists have not been responsible when visiting. People spilt their red wine and stained the steps, and they discarded lumps of chewing gum all over the steps.

The city spends millions of dollars to clean the steps, and restore them, and now you cannot sit on the steps unless you want to pay a fine. People being pigs have unfortunately spoilt the Spanish Steps for everyone.

Komodo Islands (Indonesia)

The shrinking Komodo Dragon population, is the main reason why the Indonesian government is closed the islands for a year. They caught smugglers trying to sell the largest lizards in the world, and this factored into the decision.

Komodo Dragons aren’t exactly my idea of a fun creature, but they deserve to be preserved and not sold for profit and greed. During 2020, the Komodo Islands were closed to tourists. Watch this space as it happens again no doubt, because people are people…

Greek Islands

Stunning beaches warm and lazy sunny days, this has always been somewhere I would love to visit to just relax and take in the ocean’s beauty. This must be as close to heaven as we can get, in my opinion. Warm summer days and blue oceans of various shades, and amazing night life when the sun goes down. Oh, I really need a holiday…

The problem is that these islands are so commercialized and over run with tourists that in order to experience authentic Greek culture, many Greeks recommend not to visit an island with an airport, because all you will experience is foreigners partying up a storm. Which may be your motivation, but if you are looking for Greek culture, you probably won’t find much of it there.


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