It’s not too late to plan an epic summer getaway, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find popular destinations that aren’t crawling with tourists. The fact is, worldwide travel demand has been off the charts so far in 2022, and it appears there may be no end to the surge any time soon.

That said, there are plenty of travel spots to consider that are relatively free from crowds and all the hassles that come with them. Some of the best-uncrowded destinations are close to home in North America, yet others can be found in Europe, Asia and elsewhere around the globe.

If you’re still looking for a way to get away but you don’t want to deal with hordes of other people, you could consider heading to an isolated state like Alaska or Idaho or booking a getaway to a far-flung island off the coast of Norway or Greece. Your best bet depends on the type of trip you want to take, how much you want to spend and whether you want to see amazing sights or you just want to relax in peace and quiet on a beautiful beach.

Here are 20 travel destinations for summer that can help you enjoy your time off with fewer other tourists around to ruin the vibe.


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