If you are an avid traveler, you will probably want to carry the memories of your trips forever. Photos are great, but making a travel video is even better when it comes to capturing special moments. But not everyone is a pro with videos. You cannot also expect your travel partner or others to shoot perfect videos for you.

However, you will not want to compromise when posting your travel stories on social media. The good thing is that creating great ones is easier than you imagine, provided you have a creative mind and the right skills and tools. Let us share a few actionable tips to make a compelling travel video…

Pick your venues

Researching your destination beforehand makes sense because it helps you plan the trip. Beyond enabling you to create an itinerary, it also lets you pick the venues for your travel videos.

For example, you can opt for the most popular tourist spots or find hidden gems at your destination. Besides picking your venues, consider the timelines because you may want to shoot at specific times, such as sunrise or sunset, or when the crowds are not around. A little planning is good enough to set the stage for the most incredible videos.

Carry your equipment

Buying quality video equipment is an excellent idea for travel buffs. You can create a complete collection, with a camera, lenses, SD cards, and microphones. But you need not spend a fortune on the best-in-class gear. You may manage with basic equipment, or even use your smartphone to shoot quality photos and videos. All you need to do is be familiar with their features to make the most of them. Likewise, creativity also comes to your rescue when you cannot stock up on expensive gear.

Actionable Tips To Make A Compelling Travel Video

Shoot selectively

Experts recommend being selective when you capture videos during your trip. Of course, you want to have everything on camera, but you may end up with loads of data in the long run. More is not always better because sifting and sorting may become a daunting challenge. Checking the sites and spots you want to cover is a better approach. Also, skip recording unnecessary clips except when you stumble upon something that may actually add value to your memories.

Capture different shots

While you must be selective about the scenes you cover, be ready to capture a broad range of shots for the chosen ones. Experiment with different angles to get the lighting right or enhance the beauty of the background. You can also try trending techniques such as slow spinning and time-lapse to add an element of interest to the visuals. You can choose the ones you like the best later. Even if you achieve nothing from the practice, you can hone your skills and use them for better shots on your next trip.

Actionable Tips To Make A Compelling Travel Video

Master the art of video editing

Capturing great videos is only half the work because you need to finish them to craft perfect stories. Mastering the art of editing is the key to making the most of the shots and clips you capture during your trips.

You can edit video with Movavi because it has incredible built-in features to turn raw clips into a complete multimedia experience. Proper editing can help you build a narrative with cuts and edits in the right places. You can highlight the best and delete the rest with minimal work.

Build a storyline

When it comes to creating a compelling travel video, nothing gets better than building a storyline. Remember that people come across hundreds of travel shots online every day, so they have no reason to check out your post until it has a compelling story. Bear it in mind while shooting it in the first place. Alternatively, use an editing tool to rework it and craft an engaging narrative. A little creativity is enough to hold attention and get likes and comments from your audiences.

Actionable Tips To Make A Compelling Travel Video

Enhance with music

Another surefire tip to take your travel video to the next level is to enhance it with music. Fortunately, integrating music into videos is easier than you imagine, and even novices can do it. You can rely on a video editor to add music for an extra-special touch to the content. Music sets the mood, so make sure that it aligns with the narrative and evokes the emotions of the viewers. Check the features of the editing tool and choose wisely from the outset.

Keep it enjoyable

Think beyond the tools, techniques, and creativity when creating travel videos. Just make sure you enjoy every moment to shoot the best one. A positive mindset sets the stage for the best shots, so avoid overthinking and focus on having fun during the experience. The more effortless you are with the shots, the better they come. Conversely, stressing about the locations, angles, and expressions only complicates things.

Actionable Tips To Make A Compelling Travel Video

Prioritise consistency

Another valuable piece of advice you must follow to shoot compelling travel videos is to prioritise consistency. Set a theme for your stories and stick with them. You can also decide on factors such as tone, colour palette, filters, and music.

Of course, you may have variety in storytelling throughout the trip, but be consistent for individual videos. Try to build an outline before you begin. You may even write down a plan to keep the ideas in your mind when you are there.

Besides following these tips, you can seek inspiration by watching travel videos of your friends. Influencer stories make an even better source of inspiration as they give you fresh ideas and shed light on the latest trends.

Most importantly, be open to failure and learn from your mistakes. Do not expect every clip and shot to be perfect because they cannot be flawless, no matter how skilled you are and how hard you try. All you should do is pick the special moments and give the best you can. You can master the craft over time and create better and more compelling videos as you learn the ropes.


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