According to the Hosteltur, Crete is among the top 10 destinations in 2023 that will set the trends in adventure, nature and wellness tourism around the world, which cited the findings of a recent survey conducted by Mabrian Technologies.

For this research, Mabrian Technologies, a Spanish travel intelligence services provider which was cited by Hosteltur, analysed the global evolution of tourist interests and the facts that affect a tourist destination, based on millions of spontaneous interactions of travellers with the TripAdvisor platform.

The Greek island occupies the second place, behind Bali, Indonesia, and above Algarve, Portugal.

“Crete broke all tourism records in 2022, despite the absence of Russian tourists, who are one of its main markets, and despite the fact that it is mainly a summer destination,” the Spanish magazine Hosteltur reported.

“In addition, it showed an increase in air seats by 17% compared to last year, both for domestic and international routes. In terms of accommodation, it is the destination with the second most competitive average hotel price offered for the coming months.

“Finally, Crete collects 57% of the comments for active tourism, for activities in nature and for wellness tourism”.

READ MORE: Delta to start direct US-Greece flights as early as March 11.


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