Summer is here! That means sun, sand, and a lot of fun… if you can afford it. Vacations are costly things, and while they’re an amazing experience and a chance to get away, they’re usually not in the cards if you don’t have the money. However, while that’s usually the case, it doesn’t always have to be! There are a bunch of easy ways to save money on your summer vacation you can use to do some traveling, see the world, and come back home with money still left in your wallet, and that’s exactly what you can read more about here.

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Plan Your Trip

Before you pack your bag and hit the road it’s important that you know exactly what you’re going to do. Planning your trip out ahead of time may seem self-evident, but it’s a really important step to take to make the most of your budget. Figure out where you want to go, how you’re going to get there, where you’re going to stay, how long you’ll stay, and all the other important minutia of travel before you arrive so that you can budget your expenses accordingly. If you make a plan and stick to it you’ll be in a much better place to really enjoy your vacation with a minimum of expense.

Pick A Budget-Friendly Destination

Shockingly enough, if you’re looking to travel to Rome for a week it’ll probably cost a lot more than heading to Des Moines, Iowa. Different destinations are going to have a different impact on your wallet and the best way to save money before you even leave home is to pick a location that fits your budget. Research your potential vacation spot and look for travel costs, how much it’ll cost to stay there, and what your daily expenses will be. Plan out your stay so you know how much you’ll be spending before you’re stuck there and forced to shell out more money than you’re comfortable with. Picking the right destination is one of the best (and simplest) ways to save money on your vacation this summer.

Travel Off-Peak

One of the most expensive parts of taking a vacation is traveling to your destination, as anyone who’s taken a commercial flight before knows. However, you can mitigate some of the cost by traveling off-peak. When it comes to flights you’re better off taking one in the middle of the week when prices are cheaper. This tip also applies to taking trains or other land-bound transportation options, as many have different prices during on and off-peak hours. Traveling at night is also a good way to save money as it’s usually cheaper and less busy than during the day. Wherever you’re heading, do some research to figure out the best times to travel to save yourself some money.

Use Cheap Accommodations

Hotels cost an arm and a leg, especially in tourist-heavy locations. To make ends meet you’re probably going to want to find a cheaper alternative, like a hostel. Hostels are great places to stay. They’re cheap, have communal rooms to divide the cost even further, and also often have some food options you can take advantage of to stretch your dollar. Another option that at this point, everyone knows about is Airbnb, where people rent out rooms or whole homes for low prices. If you’re still looking to save money Couchsurfing is another source for you, an app where you can find people in the area willing to put you up. Keeping all these options in mind when planning your trip will definitely help you save some of your hard-earned money.

Avoid Tourist Traps

There’s a reason they have “trap” in the name. Tourist traps can be incredibly interesting, but oftentimes they’re just places designed to take your money without giving you much in the way of a return. Instead of going to the same sightseeing locations every tourist goes to, take a look around for fun, free alternatives. Museums and art galleries are great spots to take advantage of, and you can also wander city streets or go for a hike. By the end of your trip, you’ll have a hundred great new experiences even without shelling out the money to visit a clichéd destination that everyone else has already seen.

Use Public Transport (and Walk)

Depending on where you go your options will certainly be limited, but a lot of places have really fantastic public transport systems that you’ll really want to take advantage of. Cabs and rental cars cost a ton, so if you have the option, use buses, trains, and shuttles to get wherever it is you’re going. And even if you don’t have access to public transport, you still have the best free method of travel readily available: your feet! Walk as much as you can! It’s great exercise, and you’ll get the chance to explore unique places you’d never find if you weren’t on foot. It may be cheap, which is certainly a draw, but walking around your destination is also just a great way to see the place, plus it’s a lot of fun.

Travel is costly, especially these days, and we’re all dying to get out and back into the world. Hopefully, you now have some great new tips to make your summer vacation more fun and affordable, no matter where you end up.


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