Planning long-term travel seems like a daunting task, and visitors are not always sure exactly where to draw the line when the usual short-term vacation changes everything and last many months or even a year. Regardless of how long one takes to experience new places, planning is key because tourists will need to know a lot about their priority destinations. Long-term travel is more than just how many days or months one spends on a trip. Vacationers’ mindsets also matter as well as lots of preparations before beginning the journey. This is how to plan long-term travel, along with tips that actually help.


Related: 15 Helpful Tips To Make Long-Term Travel Easy For Everyone (5 That Sabotage It)

Why A Long-Term Travel? Deciding If You Are Ready To Embark On A Long-Term Journey

The internet has brought so many things right at the touch of our fingertips, giving us exceptional freedom to choose from plenty of options. Traveling has gone through digital changes, and now the new generation of nomads and independent tourists have an incredible opportunity to not only make money online but also travel the world. We are seeing many people doing this full-time, and there is an increase in the number of long-term vacationers. But why long-term travel? How do you know when you are ready to adopt this lifestyle? Is it sustainable? Let’s find out.

Does Realism Match Your Optimism?

Traveling can be exciting and fun, but at the same time, it can be challenging and exhausting. Long-term traveling needs someone to be optimistic, but an equal amount of realism is even better because it involves a lot. Vacationers find it difficult to accept one fact: that every day isn’t going to be as fun and exciting. People are always enticed by Instagram’s breathtaking photos of destinations. But understanding that every day isn’t going to be beautiful is important when planning a long-term trip.

Leaving the comforts of one’s home to tour new places and interact with different cultures means letting go of the usual lifestyle and starting a new one. Behind every stunning Instagram picture is long period of planning and preparation. Things like the possibility of losing luggage, missing a train, or spending more than planned – are important to think about when preparing for this kind of lifestyle. Understanding that long-term travel has downsides and having the optimism to overcome those challenges will help vacationers decide if they are ready for the journey.

Have You Set Aside Enough Money?

Money matters a lot when it comes to long-term travel, as it is the major factor that determines most of the travel aspects, like transport means, accommodation, and meals. The number of months or weeks to spend on a long-term journey depends on the money allocated for the same. Money will also help travelers decide the countries they can visit because exploring some places can be expensive.

But enough money doesn’t have to be a six-digit saving. Traveling doesn’t have to be expensive, even if it’s a long-term trip, and it largely depends on the kind of travel one is planning. Plus, there are several budget options for accommodation, transport, and attractions. There are also tips to cut costs when visiting a destination. This allows travelers to spend less and make money on their long-term trips. If one is feeling comfortable with the amount of money they’ve set aside for a long-term journey, then they are ready to get started.

How Do You Handle The Fear Of Missing A Long-Term Travel Opportunity?

A lot of fears come with long-term travel planning – fear of leaving loved ones, losing a career, visiting certain countries, the fact that things might not go as planned, and having to get back home only after a short while. But the fear of failing on this long-term journey has to be greater than all these other fears. One is ready to embark on a long-term trip when they feel it’s a must to make the travel work, and they wouldn’t be satisfied if it doesn’t.

Tips For Getting Started On A Long-Term Trip

After deciding about readiness to embark on long-term travel, some tips for getting started should make the planning and the trip easy. Here are some to keep in mind:

Get Educated On The Priority Destinations

First of all, it is important to list the places one would like to visit and then set priorities. Travelers should then conduct some thorough research and educate themselves about the countries they’d wish to visit. And this is beyond just learning a few words like saying ‘hello’ or ‘thank you in a local language. It is important to have some ideas about the country’s culture and traditions, history, politics, and tourism status. This will smoothen the trip and make it easier to interact with the locals upon one’s arrival at the destination.

Get an idea of itineraries, public transportation means, visas, and their costs, backpacking prices, and things to experience in those destinations. There are a lot of online resources to use – travel blogs and social media (perhaps join a Facebook group!).

Know Which Countries To Avoid If Traveling On A Budget

Some countries are extremely expensive than others. It is not advisable to group destinations as a continent or a region to decide which countries to visit. Remember, some regions can be less expensive to visit, but the countries within them vary widely in price. For instance, getting accommodation in Singapore can cost three times more than in Hanoi, and the countries are both in Southeast Asia. Countries like Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the USA can be pretty expensive, making them unsuitable for a long-term budget trip.

Related: 5 Expensive Destinations Done On A Budget (And 5 Destinations That Are Outright Steals)

Consider Reviews When Searching For Accommodation Options

Reading other travelers’ reviews on sites like TripAdvisor is important. The type of search engine to use in research depends on which type of accommodation and country one is opting for. Travelers looking to stay in hostels should use, but Airbnb is also a good resource. Couchsurfing is a crucial site for vacationers looking to embark on long-term budget travel. is the best search engine for travelers planning to travel to North America.

Have Long-Term Travel Insurance Ready

To get started on a long-term journey, ensure long-term travel insurance is ready. The last thing one would want to experience is getting caught up in medical charges. When researching insurance companies, it is important to keep activities like high-altitude hiking and skiing into consideration so that all needs are covered.

Pack Everything You’ll Need, But Not Too Much

While travelers should have all the essentials, they must also pack light for long-term travel. Some things to pack include:

  • Lightweight raincoats
  • Long-term travel backpacks
  • Portable charger
  • A water bottle (a filter type is preferable)
  • Sun protection items, like a hat and sunscreen
  • Shirts (long-sleeved and short-sleeved), pants, jeans, leggings, underwear, and a hoodie

Where To Stay On A Long-Term Travel

Where one is going to stay is something crucial to consider when planning long-term travel. For vacationers who’ve never traveled long-term, wrapping their heads around which type of accommodation to opt for can be challenging. Consider these factors when deciding where to stay:

  • Are you traveling solo or with family or friends?
  • Would you mind sharing kitchens or rooms with other travelers if traveling solo?
  • How much privacy do you need?
  • Are you on a tight budget?

Answers to these questions will determine whether one will stay in a hostel, a hotel, or a vacation home.

Long-term travel has upsides and downsides – and understanding them is the best way to prepare and plan well for the journey.


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