National Tourism Day is celebrated on the 25th of January, every year to commemorate and honour India’s beauty. This day is particularly significant in terms of raising awareness about the importance of tourism in India and its contribution to our economic growth. ‘Rural and Community Centric Tourism’ is the subject for National Tourism Day this year.Also Read – 5 Luxury Stays in North India Where You Can Take Your Partner This Valentine’s Day

Significance of National Tourism Day during the pandemic Also Read – Covid Travel Update: Kerala Issues New Guidelines For International Passengers

National Tourism Day 2022 is especially significant because the travel and tourism industry has been severely harmed since the pandemic.  The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the tourism industry. spoke to Vineet Verma, ED, and CEO of Brigade Hospitality, who said “COVID 19 has indeed changed the face of Tourism across the world. While bringing the entire sector to its knees in the wake of its first wave, it has also taught us a few invaluable lessons on the way. While International Tourism has suffered and may take some time before we see some recovery, the positive aspect has been the sudden spurt in domestic tourism post the first wave and before the Omicron impact that has dealt a fresh blow.” Also Read – Ahead of Valentine’s Day, 77 Percent of Indian Travellers Hope to Find Travel Romance on Their Next Trip: Research

“We witnessed historically high numbers in most leisure destinations and this augured well for the sector. These difficult times have also shown us the huge potential that domestic tourism has and that was hitherto grossly under-promoted. Having said that, let us also be aware of the inevitability of domestic tourism numbers tapering as soon as International travel opens up and popular destinations worldwide start accepting visitors. It is important at the same time that we try and prevent a large-scale shift in this direction. Therefore on this National Tourism Day, let us resolve that all stakeholders including the Government will work towards creating an environment and infrastructure that ensures sustained public interest and growth in domestic tourism,” he continued.

Travel trends that dominated ever since the pandemic

  • Tourists valued safety and practicality over opulence in their post-Covid holiday locations in 2021, as the tourism sector struggled to recover from the blow of 2020. Staycations, workstations, and homestays emerged as the tourism sector’s mantra in 2021.
  • This year vacationing will be the means utmost of self-care, with the majority of Indian tourists expressing that basic pleasures like feeling the sun on their skin or being a water baby are important to them.
  • The pandemic encouraged us to make the most of what was there in front of us. Our relationship with the community around us has revived, from supporting locally owned businesses to spending more time with the close circle
  • Indian tourists looking forward to networking while on holiday are taking advantage of their trips to expand their social ties.

With the number of travellers who feel they need to make up for missed vacation time in a major way, 2022 will be the year to take advantage of uncertainty and start making up for lost vacation time in a big way. What are your travel plans for the future?


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