Now that coronavirus restrictions are being reduced many Brits are looking to travel this summer even amid chaos at airports and ferry docks which have seen delays and cancellations over the last few weeks.

In fact, Spain and Greece have both recently announced that some Covid-19 rules are to be relaxed over the high season.

But, with the cost of living crisis and skyrocketing gas prices many of us are looking to save money where we can.

A travel money provider has shared its top tips for mitigating delays and avoiding extra costs amid disruption – and sorting your holiday money in advance at the top of the list.

Make sure you pack light to save money

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Jack Mitchell, Head of Travel Money at FairFX said: “Travellers will no doubt be anxious about the anticipated Easter holiday disruption, and getting caught up in transport and travel delays can not only cost you time, but money.

“While you can’t always avoid delays – whether they’re affecting roads, rail or airways – there are things you can do to plan ahead to avoid having to dip into your pocket to reach your destination.

“The most important is to always sort your holiday money in advance to avoid extortionate rates at airport bureau de change desks.
“Amongst all the holiday prep, we know it can be easy to let sorting your currency slip to the bottom of the list, but this can cost you cash from your holiday budget.

“We all expect to pay a little more for convenience, but with delays and disruption expected this can be a slippery slope.

“Securing your cash ahead of time; monitoring currency movements to consider whether it might be worth locking in rates, and setting aside a holiday spending budget on a card that won’t charge you a foreign currency transaction fee, will help you to avoid getting caught out.”

Check out these tips to keep your cash working for you:

Sort your currency in advance

Waiting to exchange your currency at the airport can cost you, with FairFX analysis revealing that the average airport bureau de change desk offers rates 16% below market rate, which amounts to £78 less for £500 exchanged.

Sorting your currency in advance allows you to keep an eye on exchange rates, giving you the option to consider locking in rates when the pound is performing well, getting more bang for your buck.

Using advance check in can save you time at the airport

Using advance check in can save you time at the airport

If you can, carry on

If you’re going on a short break, or travelling somewhere warm where your clothes will be thinner and lighter, stick with just carry on luggage.

It costs less, but it also saves time – no queuing to check in your bag, you can breeze straight through, and even more importantly, no queueing at your destination, so your holiday can start straight away.

Some airlines now offer speedy or priority boarding if you pay for a larger cabin bag, which is still less expensive than hold luggage, and less risky.

Cut queues with advance check in

Check in for your flight in advance through your airline’s website or app.

You can either print the boarding pass in advance, or download the app and have it safely stored on your phone, allowing you to avoid check in queues, scan your pass on your phone, and walk straight through to security when you arrive.

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Sort travel documents ahead of time

While Covid-19 travel restrictions have significantly eased, many countries still have restrictions in place, meaning extra admin for your trip.

Leaving your documents until last minute can cause unnecessary stress, so get your documents in order as far in advance as you can. Check the entry requirements of your destination to see exactly what you need and keep an eye out for any expected changes.

If you’re fully vaccinated, you can download the correct international travel pass onto your phone at any time, and the sooner the better, as some need additional verification which can take up to two weeks.

If you need to test to travel, book your appointment well in advance so you know you’ve ticked it off the list, and you can shop around for the best price.

Sort your travel documents well in advance

Sort your travel documents well in advance

Pack your own to avoid paying

The worst thing about delays is getting caught unprepared, so pack for every eventuality.

If you’re travelling by car or train, pack layers, snacks, and entertainment, especially if you have kids in tow.

This will avoid you having to fork out at service station shops which tend to be more expensive.

Don’t forget the portable charger for your devices too.

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Research the best deals for transport

If you’re hoping for a last-minute trip and you’ve not yet booked your flights, it could be worth opting for an earlier flight, as they’re less likely to face delays due to the knock-on impact.

Don’t leave things like travel to the airport to the last minute either, booking your packing space in advance often costs less and allows you to budget.

With fuel costs rising, consider whether public transport could be a more cost-effective option, with a coach trip to the airport or train if you want to dodge the traffic too.

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