With the pandemic forcing many Brits to adjust to remote working, office spaces are now welcoming their employees back again and colleagues are collaborating in person once more.

Now that travel restrictions have also been lifted, there’s nothing preventing employees from now travelling abroad for work purposes from all business conferences, and client meetings to the new trend of ‘bleisure’.

Using 10 years’ worth of data from the Office of National Statistics, Moneytransfers have discovered the destinations Brits will travel to for business purposes the most in 2022. They have also used this data to predict where in the next 10 years businesses will be travelling to in order to predict any changes to these destinations going forward.

Top 10 business travel destinations 2022

Rank Destination Estimated Visits Estimated Spend
1 Irish Republic 1,093,512.28 £391,996,725.64
2 France 996,964.40 £578,774,316.85
3 Germany 959,708.24 £508,868,529.28
4 USA 822,747.30 £1,148,169,200.94
5 Netherlands 756,752.89 £311,288,071.01
6 Spain 482,107.76 £273,028,110.17
7 Belgium 467,245.54 £132,520,592.97
8 Switzerland £382,554.80 £143,868,752.36
9 Italy 356,787.68 £181,083,733.26
10 Poland 203,454.10 £147,282,377.88

Internationally renowned as a thriving centre for business after recent regeneration efforts, the Irish Republic has been highlighted as country in which most Brits will travel to for business purposes in 2022. There will be as many as 1,093,512 visits from British workers bringing with them an estimated spend of £391,996,725.64.

France is the second most popular business trip destination for Brits in 2022 with an estimated 996,964.3974 Brits travelling there for business purposes. According to Statista, in 2019, 595 meetings were held in France and came in third in the list of countries worldwide ranked by the number of association meetings hosted.

France was closely followed by Germany in third. With the fourth-largest economy in the world. Germany is home to world-known corporates and companies so it’s no surprise that this country is up there in the top three.

In terms of the most expensive business trip destination, the USA came top by a huge lead, with an estimated spend of £1.1billion being spent by Brits on business trips in 2022.


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