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Black women are real-life superheroes.

We juggle our studies, work, and businesses with everything else we have going on, including relationships, motherhood, auntie-hood, and all that falls in between, gracefully.

But all superheroes need a break because the burnout is real, according to the data.

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines burnout as physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion accompanied by decreased motivation, lowered performance, and negative attitudes toward oneself and others. And the reason for burnout?  To summarize the APA, it’s because you’re doing too much for too long for everyone else, and now that effort is taking a toll on you.

When it comes to who’s feeling burnout the most, it’s Black people.

As we previously reported, the APA found that Black Americans say they feel sad at a rate that nearly doubles that of White Americans who report the same feeling.

Black women are 1.8 times more likely than Black men to report sadness most or all the time and are 2.4 times more likely than Black men to report feeling hopeless more or all the time.

We hate to be the mirror looking back at you, but because we care, it’s time to take a break, sis, and refill your cup. What better way to reboot than by taking a trip? But where you choose to go makes all the difference in whether you’ll rest or be stressed.

With that in mind, and today’s holiday, World Tourism Day, we spoke to three travel professionals who explained the best destinations for Black women to recharge and relax.

Feeling Burned Out? Travel Experts Share The Best Destinations For Black Women To RechargeFlavio Vallenari/E+


Spiritual advisor and transformational coach Iso’ke Aminah says spending six weeks in the Caribbean country of Grenada was life-changing as it felt like a homecoming. 

“Being in a country where there are Brown people everywhere created a sense of peace and safety,” she says. “One thing that surprised me about Grenada is the earth’s abundance.”

She lived in a homestay (residing with a local family for a fee) and traveled throughout the local villages. As a person who enjoys water gazing, actually being in it was vital for her relaxation.

“My host took me to a waterfall for my birthday, but we had to hike and swim through a lake to get there. We stayed out in nature, and I just remember being at peace,” Aminah says. “Grenada is one of those places where you can just be. You don’t have to be put together. You don’t have to wear makeup or wear your fanciest. You’ll fit right in with less.”

In addition to exploring the outdoors, Aminah recommends immersing yourself in the local communities.

“The culture in Grenada is one where people look out for you, your overall well-being, and they ensure you’re fed,” she says. “I left Grenada feeling grateful and being content with life just by simply adopting ‘a less is more’ mentality during my stay.”

Feeling Burned Out? Travel Experts Share The Best Destinations For Black Women To RechargeHarish Thangarajan / EyeEm


When entrepreneur Kenna Williams is overwhelmed, feels like she is in a place where she’s not grounded, or if tragedy strikes in her life, India is her go-to destination.

“I’ve been to India eight times, and I’ve found it’s the only country that will make me shut up and listen to the universe,” she says.  “I listen to God. I listen to my body, nature, and the thoughts running through my head. For someone who talks a lot, listening is really important.”

Williams, currently based in South Africa, says her travels in India are not in the busiest cities, such as New Delhi. She travels to Chennai and Jaipur.

“In India, I recommend going to temples,” Williams says. “In Chennai, they have meditation retreats known as Vipassana. It’s an experience that has you quiet for several days. There are shorter ones available if that’s too long, and there’s also yoga.”

Feeling Burned Out? Travel Experts Share The Best Destinations For Black Women To RechargeOleh_Slobodeniuk/E+


After her parents’ death, Iso’ke Aminah decided to become an expat. She has spent time in Oaxaca, Playa del Carmen, and currently resides in Tulum.

“Mexico is great because it’s an in-between destination, especially if your Spanish is not the best. Things are translatable here,” she says. “What I love about Mexico is that the community focuses on your well-being and making sure you’re good. There’s always someone cooking, and there’s always an open invitation to share in conversation.”

Aminah says Tulum often gets a bad rap as a party city, but there’s more to it.

“You have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the culture of what Mexico offers. The land is so rich and beautiful, and you can experience a deep connection with the indigenous people.”

If you’re planning to visit Tulum and want something to navigate outside of the social scene, Aminah says to add visiting a cenote, a natural pit, to your itinerary. She also recommends visiting some of the lagoons in the area, such as Laguna de Kaan Luum or Bacalar Lagoon. The lagoons in the area are often called “the Maldives of Mexico,” where people go to relax.

Feeling Burned Out? Travel Experts Share The Best Destinations For Black Women To RechargeKerrick/E+


Mahogany Ratcliffe Albritton is the founder of Deal Duchess, a travel blog dedicated to helping travelers find the best bargains on getaways.

Albritton, who also works in sports marketing, says she decided to take a trip after feeling overwhelmed. 

“October is like burnout season because you have the NFL, MLB, and college football going simultaneously,” she says.

By the end of the season, she was ready for a getaway and booked a trip to Bali with some friends. There she found peace.

“One day I remember going to Potato Head Beach Club. It wasn’t packed at the time, and the sun was setting. I lied down on the lawn by myself, and I just started crying. I don’t know what this visceral reaction was to, but all I can equate it to is the beauty surrounding me, the quiet and calm there. I bawled. It was the most spiritual event I have ever, ever experienced.”

Albritton says she does some research before heading to places but tries to remain open and committed to exploring, which she says is ideal for Bali.

One place she recommends is Bali Green Spa.

“The spa sent a car to pick us up. I’m not rich, and at the time, I didn’t have a lot of money,” she says. “The car took us to the spa, where I had this incredible body scrub and massage. This lady climbed on my back and went to work. She worked out all those kinks and all that tension from work. I had an incredible flower field bath and chilled for hours at the spa. I got all that for $40.”


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