SUPERIOR — Travel Superior is filling an anticipated gap in tourism promotion this spring.

This week, Travel Superior launched an advertising campaign that asks residents of the Twin Cities and Eau Claire markets if they “Remember Fun?” The campaign is designed to refresh their memories about everything Superior and Douglas County have to offer visitors seeking a quick get away just a short drive to the north.

The six-week campaign includes radio, billboard, magazine, newspaper, digital, web and social media advertising aimed at 25- to 49-year-olds, the age group with young families seeking short, affordable vacations.

“We’re looking forward to a summer of strong activity among additional travelers who may not have felt comfortable going on vacation the past couple of years,” said Taylor Pedersen, president and CEO of Travel Superior.

He said 2021 was the best year on record for local tourism but he believes those results will continue to improve.

With the anticipated gap in promotion as the city of Superior transitions it’s tourism development efforts, Pedersen said Travel Superior is using remaining revenue from the city’s hotel and motel tax collections in 2021 and two federal grants to pay for the campaign.

Superior city officials contracted with Swim Creative in April to take on the city’s tourism promotion.

Since the rebranding of regional tourism efforts under Travel Superior in 2017, the city’s hotel and motel tax collections increased by 41% leading up to the pandemic, Pedersen said.

“While last year’s tourism numbers were excellent, it’s important to note that many businesses and organizations continue to struggle due to a number of challenges, not just the pandemic,” Pedersen said. “Anything we can do to bring more visitors to the area will help all businesses in our community and this ad campaign reminds people that a fun and affordable destination is just a short drive north from where they live.”

The “Remember Fun?” campaign was created for the 2021 tourism season and implemented by Travel Superior with partners Greenfield Communications and DAYTA Marketing to promote tourism with consideration to public health conditions and personal comfort levels.

“The campaign theme is still very relevant, strategically placed before our core summer tourism season to position Superior and Douglas County tourism for a strong summer ahead and for continued growth,” Pedersen said.


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