The atmosphere is what makes most fairy tales and fantasy books so intriguing, even though characters and storylines are crucial to every story. If travelers are looking for a way to get away from the monotony of everyday life, these fantastical realms may be just what they are looking for. Most fairy tales that we are familiar with are based on real-life fantasy-looking locations that can be found worldwide. Take a look at these real-life recreations of fairytale settings for inspiration. Here are some of the destinations that appear to have been plucked from the pages of a storybook.

10 Sagano Bamboo Forest, Japan

In Kyoto’s Arashiyama district, visitors will surely find charming villages, forested hillsides, and a variety of unique bamboo plantations. They will discover Sagano Bamboo Forest just a short distance from the city’s Buddhist monasteries, skyscrapers, and imperial palaces. Visitors of this forest will be drenched in glorious green light as sunlight penetrates through the tops of the stalks of the bamboo plants as they walk amid the towering trees and winding trails. Travelers visiting Japan should time their visit for a windy day so they can hear tall bamboo rustle and groan above them, creating an eerie but mesmerizing soundscape. RELATED: Everything To Know When Visiting The Fairy-Tale Town Of Alsace

9 Huilo Huilo Montaña Mágica Lodge, Chilean Patagonia

This lodging place is like a Magic Mountain, which has a volcano that rises out of the southern Andes and is breathtaking cascade source. Seeing it provides a reminder of the grandeur of Mother Earth. Visitors who will come here will surely experience the wonder of being in a fairy tale in the heart of the woods at this charming spot. The Montaña Mágica Lodge in Chilean Patagonia doesn’t stand out amid a vast tract of the southern Andean jungle since it has a living exterior, a free-flowing waterfall, and an overall rustic design. However, even though trees surround the rooms, they don’t skimp on amenities or modern conveniences, such as the tree-dug-out hot tubs, spa facilities, and WiFi.

8 Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle sits atop a hill overlooking the Bavarian alpine peaks and surrounding Bavarian forests like a fairytale castle. Despite being one of the most popular tourist attractions globally, tourists may recognize its exterior because it was the model for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Neuschwanstein Castle’s rooms, including the excellent throne room and the king’s bedroom, are open to visitors. Also, even though it is a well-known destination, it is well worth the extra effort to trek up the surrounding hillside to Mary’s Bridge, where visitors can marvel at the complete castle in all its splendor without any obstructions.

7 Alsace Region, France

Riquewihr and Ribeauvillé, two of the region’s communities, served as the inspiration for Belle’s hometown. Here, visitors can pass through beautiful timber-framed buildings adorned with many hanging flower baskets and enjoy the beauty of this area. Aside from that, Alsace is also well-known for its wine, so visitors can also indulge in local wines like Gewurztraminer and Pinot Gris while on a vineyard tour. They might spend their entire holiday here or take a day excursion from Strasbourg to see the castles and villages of Alsace. RELATED: How Fairy Glen Got Its Name, And Why Visiting Is Purely Magical

6 The Garden of Ninfa And Park Of Monsters, Italy

The stunning Garden of Ninfa can be found on the way south of Rome. The New York Times named the romantic garden, which is only available on selected days from March to November, one of the world’s most beautiful. When visitors walk around the old ruins covered in blooming flowers, it’s as if they could run across dancing nymphs or magical tree spirits at any given turn. In this bizarre garden, visitors will be able to find enormous statues of battling giants, strange creatures, and a shrieking stone monster with a picnic table hidden inside its jaws.

5 The Tunnel Of Love, Ukraine

The Tunnel of Love is an amusement train that connects Klevan and Orzhiv in Ukraine. It is located near Klevan and is known as the Tunnel of Love. In this location, magnificent green arches frame the three-kilometer train track. This green corridor is a wonderfully beautiful environment, and many couples come here to make wishes, believing that if they make a wish here, their dream will come true, just like what happens in fairy tales. The end of spring and the beginning of summer are the ideal times to hike through this tunnel, as the foliage appears vibrant and healthy at this time of year rather than brown or yellow.

4 The Sea Of Stars, Maldives

This spectacular phenomenon occurs in the sea of stars and can be found in the Maldives during the late summer months. It is generated by phytoplankton called Lingulodinium polyedrum, which emits bioluminescent light when exposed to sunlight. This plankton is abundant in the water, and the movement of the waves causes it to glow, creating an extraordinary, shimmering effect that gives the impression that the sea is filled with stars. Visitors and locals may safely swim in this luminous rarity. RELATED: These American Castles Are Doing The Most When It Comes To Fairy Tale-Like Tours

3 Saut de Brot, Switzerland

A tiny bridge that looks like it belongs in a fairy tale sits at the foot of the Areuse Gorge. Unquestionably, there is a real-life Saut de Brot, and it’s magnificent. In addition to the natural beauty of the gorge, the little bridge that crosses the Areuse between its canyon walls is a standout feature. It’s hard to overstate the uniqueness of this scene because the plain stone arch isn’t particularly dramatic in its design. Many locals believe that elves are not responsible for this, but it nearly seems like they did.

2 Lake Bled, Slovenia

Ljubljana’s Dragon City and Lake Bled’s enchanting beauty are just two of Slovenia’s fairy-tale locations. For some of the best views of the lake’s recognizable island, it is recommended to go to Bled Castle in the Julian Alps, outside Ljubljana. Visitors can take a tour of the museum, dine in the restaurant, or visit the castle’s wine cellar for a taste. Lake Bled is incomplete without a boat journey to Slovenia’s only genuine island, accessible only by water. Of course, no trip to the area would be complete without sampling the local delicacy of this location.

1 Victoria Beach’s Pirate Tower, California

There’s something magical about this mysterious beachside tower, and the fact that it’s called the “Pirate Tower” only adds to its mystique. The lone tower carved into the rough seaside cliff face belongs to the affluent home that sits atop the ledge in actuality. From the water’s edge, the sixty-foot tower rises to the top of the cliff, providing access to the house’s beach for its owners through an interior stairwell. Unfortunately, the exit door and some towers are submerged and inaccessible during high tide, making the stairs impassable, but the tower remains as beautiful as ever. It looks like a Rapunzel-like princess was living in that tower. NEXT: Here’s Everything Worth Doing In The Fairy Tale City Of Carmel-By-The-Sea


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Cynthia Levy
(239 Articles Published)

From Cynthia Levy


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