Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who assumed his role on 1 January 2023, has appointed Marcelo Freixo to the Brazilian Tourism Board, Embratur.

The immediate priority of Embratur and Freixo is to regain the trust of overseas tourism markets, to show that Brazil is committed to environmental, sustainable, ecotourism and indigenous preservation. The hope is that this will increase inbound travel to the country, bringing renewed investment for tourism infrastructure and bolster the international travel industry by creating employment opportunities.

Freixo said: “After four years of international isolation caused by the irresponsibility of the former government, Brazil will return to the global stage to resume its leading role in promoting dialogue, cooperation, focus on environmental issues and climate change.

“At Embratur, our mission will be to give Brazilian tourism the relevance it deserves, and that the world expects from us.”

He also announced steps to be taken by the tourist board: “We will carry out a technical restructuring of our management and how we are governed with a fresh emphasis on transparency,” he explained.

Embratur will be working closely with the newly appointed government ministers to promote tourism abroad.

“We are going to build a modern, professional and efficient Embratur that is committed to sustainable tourism and development,” Freixo concluded.

Brazil has been identified as a popular destination in 2023, particularly as certain psychedelics are legal there.


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