FOR this week’s Readers’ Choice section we asked our readers in north Cumbria what their favourite holiday destination was for the summer. 

We got a number of responses from our audience and we’ve compiled together some which we thought sounded like great destinations.

Some of our readers picked places overseas whilst others seemed to prefer closer to home in the UK. 

One of our readers picked Benidorm, which was one of the most popular destinations to visit, particularly for west Cumbrians.

Travel agents in the area have confirmed that it is a top pick and many locals will be jetting off their this summer. 

Another reader picked Florida – the sunshine state. This is particularly popular for families due to the amazing attractions like the Disney World Resort and Universal Studios experience. We imagine many Cumbrians will be heading across the pond for their holidays this year.

One suggested Greece as a popular holiday choice. According to travel agents Greece is particularly well liked by those in Allerdale and Eden.

The same reader also named Portugal, which has always been a firm favourite for us Cumbrians. 

Some of us however prefer to holiday nearer home, with Cornwall being named as one place to visit. It’s difficult to argue against; the stunning beaches and seaside towns make this a very worthwhile visit. 

Others named Devon as another dream holiday destination, with its array of wonderful coastal areas and ancient towns to explore. 

North Yorkshire was another named by the same reader, which is a well visited place by us Brits with rolling dales and country villages.

One reader named two Scottish islands as top holidays for this summer; the Isle of Mull and Isle of Arran. These peaceful islands offer wonderful coastal and countryside scenes. Mull has also become famous for the outstanding variety of British wildlife that lives on its shores.


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