Tahiti’s biggest tourism event ParauParau Tahiti (PPT 2023) is underway and TravelPulse’s John Kirk is there. The annual event gives local tourism professionals the opportunity to meet international product managers from the major markets.

Carbon footprints and offset are important to Tahiti, so much so that for PPT 2023, the country is working with companies as part of larger overall initiatives in place. The country developed a strategy after engaging tourism stakeholders, mayors and the general population about what kind of tourism they wanted for the future.


The result? Inclusive and sustainable tourism, one that benefits the population from tourism, but minimizes the negative impact it may have on the country’s culture and environment.

Which includes a cap on the number of yearly tourists to the French Polynesian – 1 tourist per habitant. By 2027, that means no more than 280,000.

Watch our interview with Tahiti Tourism CEO Jean-Marc Mocellin in Tahiti to learn more about this unconventional strategy.


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